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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 7, 2020


36:01 1:02:37 52:17 28:00 5:15 6:35 51:24 46:45 26:36 Spanish is the language I am dying to learn next, you know it sounds strange but i came across a piece of music, a Spanish song when I was wandering on the internet in an attempt to find a suitable video for my university assignment and it immediately caught my attention, I fell in love with this language in the first place, like crazy, like a high-school girl fall in love with her handsome teacher, and I just wonder why don't I try to learn it ? And I did some online research about this language and then I Found out that Spanish is spoken in most countries in South and Central America and in the US, over 50 million people are using Spanish either as their  mother tongue  or second language. As a result, knowing Spanish would absolutely  widen your horizon.